27 March 2011

Studio Overhaul

                                                 Junky Trinkets Headquarters (Before)

More before

Junky Trinkets Headquarters (After)

We are putting our house on the market in the upcoming weeks and I needed to straighten up......I mean "stage" my studio/office.  20 boxes later this is the result.  The quote of the weekend was when my wife called in both our young children in to look at the boxes full of magazines, programs, matchbooks, road maps, ticket stubs, bottle caps, pennants, newspapers, old books, buttons, etc. "Take a good look kids because when daddy dies you two are going to have to figure out what to do with all this stuff"  I think I'm kind of a borderline hoarder.  It was tough for me to box some of the stuff up.  I did trash a few things...not much.  If your are not an artist/collector.....you may not understand.  Don't worry the Junky Trinkets Headquarters will be back to old form as soon as we sell this place and find a new one.  I can't live without all my inspiration - "junk" nearby.


  1. Now I know what I should have had you do when you were in Angel Fire!

  2. I understand - completely. My wife demanded her 'living room' back recently. My 'studio' had taken control of the entire space. Her recapture involved (1) Moving our bedroom to our son's (he moved out), (2) Boxing up his belongings (the ones he didn't take with him), and (3) moving my studio into our old bedroom. This all took place before Christmas.

    I'm still looking for stuff, but at least I know it's in this stdio - somewhere...

  3. Anonymous3/28/2011

    I went through the same thing a few years ago - and oddly enough, I've kept things quite minimal since and am actually loving it.

  4. I figured all of you would understand. I actually do like the extra space. I just have so many collectibles and wall hangings that I love and gathered for years....I just hate to think of them boxed up and not on display.....now the magazines...I can deal with being boxed up and out of there.


I always like to hear what you think.....drop me a note!


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