Me and Hayes after the show
Set list - Nope I didn't get this one...just a pic.
Hayes on stage
Concert poster with my Holga pic
I'm sorry that I've been sporadic with my posts lately. This time of year finds me very busy with my job! Me and my buddy Richard did find a little time on Friday night to head out to Lola's in Ft. Worth to catch Hayes Carll, so I thought I'd do a quick concert review. First stop was Chimy's. This is a Texas Tech restaurant/bar that has branched out to Ft. Worth. Great food and even better atmosphere. It was packed. Next stop was Lola's for the Hayes Carll show. This is the show that had my photo on the concert poster. So I had to attend right?? Lola's is a small little place that packs a punch! Cool honky tonk dive that holds about 200. Opening band was Shovels and Rope from Charleston, SC. They were pretty dang good. Check them out when you get a chance. Hayes came on around 11 and played until a little after 1 AM. Outstanding show with all of his hits covered. I've seen HC a few times before but this was about as good of an effort as I've seen. Make sure you download his new album KMAG YOYO
. You will not be disappointed!