23 February 2010

Shout Out Tuesday!

I thought I'd give some shout outs to some of my personal friends here in Frisco and attach some links to their blogs. Pick your poison......Enjoy.

Fishing and fly tying guru - Marcus - Lake Monster Fly

Americana Music expert - Cory - Dusted Juke Check out the Jukebox!

Personal Finance and Money - Phil - PT Money

Extreme Randomness - Ryan - I Spy Something Plaid

Lists and goals - George - The Lister

Texas History Fact: 174 years ago today the Mexican army laid seige on the Alamo.


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Jeb.

  2. Just wanted to let you know, I tried that shrimp with cheesy grits dish that you gave the recipe for and it was delish! My husband requested I put it into our regular rotation... Monday is always Cajun food at our house. Thanks!


I always like to hear what you think.....drop me a note!


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