06 April 2009

Opening Day - Sammy Sosa Colored Pencil & Cubby Tie

Baseball season is here! I am now committed to knowing the results of every one of the Cubs baseball games before I go to bed each night. There are 162 games. This drives my wife crazy....but she is used to it now. Above is a Sammy Sosa colored pencil drawing that I did of the "Sammy Leap". This is an older piece. I can't exactly remember the year I did this one. I also included a picture of my tie that I wore to school today....I found it at a garage sale 10 years ago for a quarter. It's kind of got a little 80's skinny tie feel to it.


  1. I know........pretty bad. 4-2 Cubs Win! Cubs Win!

  2. gregg looks like wild thing

  3. Okay...I am a Mets fan but I will still tell you that the sketch is very good.


I always like to hear what you think.....drop me a note!


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