21 April 2009

Happy San Jacinto Day! - April 21, 1836

Battle of San Jacinto highlights that I find interesting:

1) "Remember the Alamo" & "Remember Goliad" were the battle cries!

2) The Mexican army camped with their back to a swamp...no escape route....nice tactic

3) Sam Houston decides to attack mid afternoon....during siesta time...brilliant tactic!

4) Battle lasts 18 minutes.....If you call it a battle.

5) Sam Houston's ankle is shattered by a musket ball and goes through 3 horses.

6) Santa Anna is found hiding the next day....nice leadership.

7) Mexico recognizes Texas as free and independent.

8) The Republic of Texas is born soon after and lasts until 1845...even though we were a terrible country, we were a country once....that's always a resume booster.

How do you celebrate San Jacinto Day you may ask? Food of course....Go out and get you some Tex-Mex or a big ole chicken fried steak....that's what I'm doing tonight. Remember San Jacinto!


  1. By the way...the Tex Mex was off the chain!

  2. probably not as good as chachos

  3. What about the Yellow Rose?

  4. The Yellow Rose of course.....keeping SA distracted during siesta time.


I always like to hear what you think.....drop me a note!


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